Standard CSA MemberSHIP

Eat delicious fresh vegetables in exchange for supporting a small local farm.

We invite you to join us this season: challenge yourself to find meaning in your meals, discover a new vegetable, and support the farmers and land you care about.

We couldn’t do it without you. And that’s why our CSA members are our first priority when it comes to divvying up our harvest. We sell to chefs, retailers, and local home cooks, but you’ll always get first pick of what comes in off the field. And while we promise a $22+/weekly share value, we love providing extra value whenever possible.

Workshare CSA Membership

Experience farming first-hand.

You lend your help - we thank you with a greatly reduced cost.  Same veggies as a Standard share. 20 total hours of work on the farm. 

Get to know your farmers, learn about horticulture, bring the family, share in potluck celebrations, and enjoy the outdoors.

we’re offering an egg share add-on for any interested CSA Members.

The share consists of one dozen farm-fresh eggs per week for 20 weeks, produced by chickens raised on non-GMO feed and cared for sustainably and humanely by a select handful of our farm neighbors. Depending on which chickens are productive each week, the dozens will be assorted brown, blue, and white eggs.


What is a CSA? - CSA stands for “Consumer Supported Agriculture” and is a financial and communal model of farming, popularized in the US by Booker T. Whatley, that is being widely adopted by small-scale, organic vegetable farmers around the country and the world.  This model arose as a way to engage food-lovers in local agriculture, but also to make it possible for smaller producers to assume the risks of farming. In a nutshell, consumers invest in the farm at the beginning of the season, and farmers return to them a weekly share of the harvest.  

How much and what will my share include from week to week? - Weekly shares will vary by availability, but we shoot to provide a diverse abundance of salad greens, cooking greens, herbs, fruiting vegetables, and root crops each week.  This is an example of what a weekly share might look like: .5lb cherry tomatoes, 1lb Beets, 1 Cabbage, 1 bunch Basil, 1lb Summer Squash, 1oz oregano,  1lb Green Beans, 1 to 2 Onions, and, on-a-good week, a little extra.

What if I have to miss a week and cannot pick up my share? - Pick-up days are Tuesdays and Saturdays. We are happy to pack your share on an infrequent basis if every once-in-a-while you can't pick it up at the assigned time.  This would include us bagging your veggies and you picking them up at the soonest convenience. You may also request to switch your pick-up day just for one week in case of the occasional scheduling conflict.

What if I have to miss a series of weeks, because I am on vacation? - The best option is for you is to gift your share to a friend or family who would appreciate the vegetables, while you are gone.  Just let us know and we will welcome them as if they were a member themselves.  If you are a part of the workshare, they could even come help on the farm for you while you're gone.

All of your questions may be answered by reading our CSA Member Handbook. Click here to learn more.

What We Plan to Offer in 2022


Bell Peppers
Bok Choy
Broccoli Raab
Cippolini Onions

Fennel Bulb
Green Beans
Green Onions
Ground Cherries
Head Lettuce
Hot Peppers
Lettuce Mix

Mustard Mix
Radish Microgreens
Summer Squash
Winter Squash