JOB DESCRIPTION for Vegetable Production, Assistant Manager
This position will work alongside the current Vegetable Production Manager to plan, plant, cultivate, harvest, and sell vegetables through the 2019 season. We are expanding production and are looking for someone who is eager to jump aboard and be part of our already stellar team. General responsibilities are listed below - more specific responsibilities will be negotiated based on strengths and interests of each applicant.
Ideal applicants are self-motivated and passionate, skilled and efficient, independent and decisive, reliable and responsible, and problem-solvers and leaders.
Year-round Salaried position. Between $22,000 and $26,000 per year based on experience
Time Commitment:
Permanent: Beginning Jan. 2019, 2+ years desired
Hours: Off Season (November - March): 30 - 45 hrs/ week; Peak-Season (April-October): 45-60 hrs/week
Days: Monday-Friday with occasional weekend
Vacation/Sick: 10 days vacation + 5 days sick (minimum)
Start Date: Middle of February to Beginning of March 2019
Manage harvest for restaurant, CSA, and Markets.
Lead/manage volunteers (from workshare CSA) and 1-2 part-time workers.
Manage seeding, bed prep, and planting according to the 2019 Crop Plan, making adjustments as needed.
Routinely cultivate, irrigate, amend, prune, and mulch crops.
Make daily independent judgements on crops, harvests, and inventory based on product quality, weed-pressure, disease/pests, soil/weather conditions, and work priorities.
Communicate regularly and respectfully with coworkers.
Participate in other farm responsibilities as needed.
Background and Skills
Practical experience and knowledge of intensive market gardening vegetable production, efficient and adaptable methods for planting and harvesting, and experience working from detailed farm plans
Management experience - ability to problem-solve and think creatively to make decisions and lead
Strong communication skills
Flexibility to adapt to changing schedules and situations
Ability to work independently primarily, while also being part of a team
Must be extremely responsible, self-motivated and capable of handling complex instructions
Must have a clean driver’s license and be capable of handling physically demanding work
Knowledge and skill in carpentry, irrigation/plumbing, electrical, equipment repair, welding, or fabrication are a plus
Application Instructions
Submit the following to Greg Nicaise by email at
by December 2nd, 2018:
Cover Letter
Two References
Typed answers to the following questions
Tell us about a vegetable production task you feel that you’ve excelled at in the past.
Tell us about a vegetable production task that you look forward to grow in.
How does this work fit with you, your personality, and your personal/professional vision?
Describe your experience with harvesting, processing, and packing vegetables? One of your responsibilities may be to manage harvest and fill orders for a multitude of restaurants. How does your experience prepare you for this role?