Posts in Pantry Building
Roasted Bone Broth

Personally, I do a lot of cooking at home and I don’t like waste, which means I often have random vegetables and the like knocking around. Instead of throwing them out I use them to make stock so that I never have to buy it and I always have it when I need it. Let’s be honest, buying a whole container of stock when you only need a cup is annoying, having small frozen portions on hand is life changing.

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Fresh Herb-Infused Olive Oil

A versatile player in a well-stocked pantry, herb-infused olive oil is easy to reach for in a variety of recipes. Add a layer of flavor to pasta and salad dressings, or use as a dipping oil for crusty artisan breads. Drizzle over baked potatoes, baste grilled meats or add to a marinade. Anywhere you would use olive oil is a perfect time to use this delicious variation.

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